Multipurpose wrinkle cream |
Today, beauty products have entire aisles, sections and even entire stores dedicated to them. One of the most popular beauty products is wrinkle cream (or anti wrinkle cream). There are plenty of options to choose from when selecting a wrinkle cream. So how do you know what to look for? Here are some expert tips for choosing the right wrinkle cream for your skin’s needs.
Choose based on your skin type
Most anti-aging or anti-wrinkle creams have a moisturizer base, which helps to visibly reduce the appearance of forehead wrinkles, fine lines and smile lines. Some products can even help to even out skin tone, by lessening the appearance of blemishes, discoloration or pigmentation abnormalities. The first thing to think about when choosing a wrinkle cream is skin type. Is your skin dry? Oily? Or a combination of both? Many wrinkle creams are designed for different skin types and provide varying levels of coverage.
Choose based on your problem areas
Always choose beauty products based on your worst case scenario. If you have saggy skin or wrinkles, look for a wrinkle cream that has toning ingredients such as amino acids that can actually tighten skin and provide fresh growth of collagen and stimulate cell growth. This natural production helps to restore skin to its previous state by strengthening elasticity and turning back the hands of time.
If you have redness, yellowing or discoloration, choose your wrinkle cream carefully. It’s best to go for a sensitive skin formula with vitamins that help the skin’s natural healing process. Stay away from alpha hydroxyl acids that claim to exfoliate skin, as this may cause addition irritation for problem areas.
If you have texture issues such as uneven skin, look for a wrinkle cream that uses retinol, as this ingredient will help to reduce the appearance of pores.
Make it part of your daily routine
If you’re looking for an instant fix for problem area facial skin, then there is no such thing (except for going under the knife). Realistically, it’s important to remember that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Wrinkle creams work really well if you use them on a regular basis. It’s best to work them into your daily routine – in the morning, at night, or both. Only then can you start to reap the benefits. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to get the optimum result from a wrinkle cream with the right active ingredients for your skin. And once the appearance of your skin starts to improve, you should continue to use the cream in order to maintain the results.